
Register to become an MVP

Register to save and view your picks, be the first to know about game changes, and to receive special sports offers and promotions.

Log In Information

Enter an email address that you use frequently to ensure you receive time-sensitive material.

Your password will be used to log in for future visits.

Must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 number.

Date of Birth

You must be 18 years of age or older to register.

Security Question

This security question will be used to verify your identity if you forget your password.

To reset your password, your answer will need to be typed exactly as it is entered below.

Email Preferences

Set your email preferences to receive the updates and alerts that matter most to you. You can unsubscribe from receiving emails at any time.

Sports Alerts

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently exploring other alerts to help you up your game and will add them when available.

Lottery Alerts

Want to receive jackpot alerts and winning number emails for WCLC lotteries?

Research & Surveys

We may wish to contact you as part of our ongoing effort to enhance our products and services.

Review Your Info

Email address




Date of Birth

July 90, 9999


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